Cypress Gorres Artistry cares about the safety of customers and artists. The following guidelines are intended to create safe environment for the practice of Hair & Makeup Services. We are taking extra precautions with sanitation and disinfecting practices.

We do not take responsibility for any symptoms that may arise before or after service at the studio or on-location. Please be advised that your are booking at your own risk.

Follow the guidelines and must accept and adhere to book a service with Cypress Gorres Artistry.

In Studio Appointments

NO EXCESS GUESTS - Only ONE-scheduled guest will be allowed per service time. There will be no waiting area. Do not bring extra guests with you during your appointment.

FACE MASK - Artist will be wearing mask at all times. However during makeup services.

HUMAN TOUCH - Refrain from hugging, cheek-to-cheek, or shaking hands when greeting the artist.

HAND WASH & SANITIZER - After entering the studio or room, client must wash and sanitize hand before and after service.

TOOLS & KITS - Please DO NOT TOUCH/HANDLE products or tools throughout the studio or work station.

RESCHEDULE/CANCELLATION - If you have cough, fever, fatigue or difficulty breathing please reschedule/cancel your appointment and we advise you to see a physician.

HIGH RISK & VULNERABLE INDIVIDUALS - Clients in high risk and vulnerable groups such as an advanced age or with pre-existing medical conditions are advised not to get services.

  • The current CDC definition of vulnerable individuals which would deem people to be high risk includes:

    • People 65 years older.

    • People of all ages with underlying medical conditions including: chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised, severe obesity diabetes, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis and/or liver disease.

Cypress Gorres Artistry respectfully reserve our rights to end or decline the service for any client arriving showing symptoms of illness such as cough, fever, etc.

We also affirm that we have improved and expanded our sanitation and infection control protocol to more thoroughly fight the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable conditions. Your safety, health and following State Board and Government guidelines are our highest responsibility and priority. By following our guidelines we can stabilize and slow down the spread of COVID-19.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. Together we can triumph and conquer against this deadly and aggressive virus.

